Introduction to Language
Padmabhushan Vasantraodada Patil Mahavidyalaya, Kavathe Mahankal
(Paper - I) (Semester - III)
PAPER PATTERN June 2023 Onwards
Detailed Syllabi (June 20232 Onwards)
Course Objectives:
§ To acquaint
the students with Language and Linguistics in general.
§ To acquaint
the students with Phonetics and Phonology.
§ To acquaint
the students with Morphology and Syntax.
§ To acquaint
the students with the concepts
of Semantics and Pragmatics.
Course Outcomes: After completing the course, the student will be able to:
§ Know about
language and linguistics.
§ Learn the concepts of Phonetics and Phonology
§ Understand the basics of Morphology and Syntax
§ Acquaint with Semantics and Pragmatics
Module: I Introduction to Language
I) Definitions
II) Characteristics of Language
III) Difference
between Human and Animal Communication Systems
What is Linguistics?
II) Linguistics as a Science
III) Diachronic and Synchronic Linguistics
IV) The Concepts of ‘Signifier’ and ‘Signified’
Organs of Speech: lips, teeth,
tongue, palate (the roof of the mouth), uvula, vocal cords, etc.
Description of English Consonants and Vowels with three-term labels
Active and Passive Articulators
i) Difference between Speech Sounds and Letters
ii) What is Phonetics?
Branches of Phonetics: Articulatory Phonetics, Acoustic Phonetics, and Auditory Phonetics.
Phonetic Transcription of Simple Words
Module: IV Phonology
I) Difference between Phonetics and Phonology
II) Phonemes and Allophones
III) Minimal Pairs
Division of Teaching: 4 Modules X 15 Periods
= 60 Periods
v Note: Semester-III: 10 Marks for Internal Evaluation: Group Activity.
Module: I Introduction to Language
I) Definitions
II) Characteristics of Language
III) Difference
between Human and Animal Communication Systems
to Language
Language is a means of communication and through communication, we express our information like thoughts, ideas, concepts,
emotions, feelings, etc. Language is defined in several ways in the document or
in the text. The most encompassing definition is that language is a system of
arbitrary and conventional vocal symbols through which thought is conveyed from
one human being to another. Language has several key elements - it is a system,
the symbols used are arbitrary, it is vocal in nature, it uses symbols, and the
symbols are conventional. Language allows for the transmission of messages
between humans. It has unique properties like the duality of structure, creativity,
arbitrariness, reciprocity, displacement, cultural transmission through
learning, specialization, discreteness, and reflexiveness. Competence refers to
the internalized knowledge of language rules, while performance is the actual
use of language. Language serves important functions like communication.
Language is a symbol system based on pure or arbitrary
conventions…. (syane and jindal 2007:1)
Language is the institution whereby humans communicate
and interact with each other by means of habitually used oral auditory
arbitrary. (Hall, 1969 (ibid)
Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols by means
of which a social group cooperates. (Bioch and Trager, 1942)
Language is a system of vocal symbols used for human
communications. (wardaugh- 1972)
Language is a collection of signs arbitrarily
chosen and organized according to certain fixed principles acceptable
by society.
Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols by which
thought is conveyed from one human being (a speaker or writer) to another (a
listener or reader)
Language is a conventional system habitual system of
vocal behavior by which community members communicate with one another.
Language is a learned and shared habitual system of vocal
symbols through which human beings in the same speech community interact and communicate in terms of their common cultural experiences and
Language is the system of communication in speech and
writing that is used by human beings.
- with regards to the above definitions, the most possible
definition of language may be this “Language is a system of arbitrary and
conventional vocal symbols through which through (message) is conveyed from one
human being to another i. e.: from the speaker or order to the listener or reader.
Elements of language
the definition of language consists of several key terms/elements:
1. System
a) Language is a system in
the sense that it is a collection of signs or symbols i.e. it assembles together
the smaller units to form the larger units and these units are arranged in the
regular order for example: - phonemes-syllable-morphemes-words-phrases-clauses-
sentences-paragraph- comprehension.
b) Language is continued
by several elements which are arranged in a regular fixed order, such elements
include subject, verb, object, complement, and adverbial.
c) Language being a system
is also constituted by various subsystems such as sound, structural, and meaning systems.
2) Arbitrary
The arboretum is of
language is thrown by the following facts
a) In language there is no
correspondence (similarity) between the symbol (sound or letters) and the
realities, meaning, or objects that are represented by those symbols.
For example: - the word dog with the four-legged animal, the table as a piece of furniture. However, language is arbitrary because the linguistic symbols used were the language but just picked haphazardly (with
no particular plan or organization) i. e. there was no formal meeting by
any speech community that sat form language. Each speech community has its own
symbols representing different realities.
3) Vocal
Language is said to be vocal since each language is based on speech sounds that are produced by
the vocal organs, (organs of the mouth, nose, and throat) i.e. in spoken language is presented through the vocal sounds (sounds from the mouth)
4) Symbol
Languages are symbolic in the
sense that language uses signs or symbols to present realities, objects, or ideas.
There are two major types
of the symbols used in a language
a) the acoustic image (the
b) The graphic signs (orthography
letters 1 spelling). These symbols represent realities, objects, or ideas in a
spoken language; we use acoustic images (sounds) whereas in written
language we use graphic signs. (letters)
5) Conventional
Language is conventional because any human language (system of communication) is made to be mentally acceptable and understood by the particular speech community i.e. all
members who use the particular language.
6) Message
The Message is the keyword language that has been the message
since it is the message that is conveyed from one human being to another i.e.
language is used as the medium through which ideas, opinions, or thought is
carried from the speaker or writer to listener or reader. The participants in
language communicate a message to each other this message is the central
element in any communication system (no message no communication).
7) Human being
Language used by human
beings i.e. it has been proved that that it is only the human beings among all
the creatures who communicate by the use of language from other creatures do
communicate using different systems or forms but that never use language as
their means of communication.
A language/ A community
A language is a specific form (system)
of speech that is conventional and mutually understood by a specific
speech community i.e. it refers to one particular language as used and
spoken by a particular community.
The speech community can
be an ethics group a tribe or nation or even the whole constituted for example Kichagga
is the language of the Chagga people of the Kilimanjaro region, Kingoni is the language of Ngoni as a tribe, Swahili is the language of
Tanzania as a nation, English a language of Europe, America, and Australia as continents.
Features of a Language
A language has several
features or characteristics: -
1. It is a specific concept referring
to one particular form of speech (system of communication) that is mutually used
and understood by a particular speech community.
2. A language is used to express
the culture of a particular speech community i.e. a language is the central
element of a particular culture hence a language and culture are inseparable.
3. A language changes and
develops with the changes and development of culture i.e. dynamism of a
language is usually influenced by culture.
4. The language can also
change on contact with foreigners through different activities such as
trade tours colonial dominations etc.
5. A language usually means
how script palms are spellings different from other languages i.e. each
language has different autography spellings.
6. A language that belongs to a group with other languages that stem from the same incent language for example Kiswahili, Kisukuma, Kihaya, Kinyakyusa, etc. are among the Bantu languages since each language belongs to the Bantu language.
III) Difference between Human and Animal Communication Systems
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